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Are SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft Making Bank in the Cloud?

Over the past few years, cloud has been the growth engine of the software and consulting industry.  The marketing machines of the vendor base are in full gear promoting the advantages of the cloud and touting how their new products and services will provide customers with a competitive advantage.

Companies, like SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft are hyping impending roadmaps encouraging customers to buy a version that exists today with a promise of the future.   Consulting vendors like Accenture, Cap Gemini, Deloitte, and EY are pushing “hot skill” premiums for cloud product services.

With all the marketing hype, customers’ cognitive biases can influence a buying decision toward the cloud when the numbers and business risks don’t support it.   With this in mind, UpperEdge will uncover where the hidden landmines are with SaaS models and expose them. 

On July 25th, UpperEdge will have host a complimentary webinar to explore the difference between buying vs. renting of software.   This webinar will address SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, and digital to discuss the nuances of negotiating cloud agreements and the blind spots that vendors will look to exploit to meet the demand of Wall Street, often fueled by their own marketing departments.

We will deep dive into the areas of costs, flexibility, time-to-value, and enterprise integrity.  We will explore questions like:

  • Cloud software is promoted as a ‘buy by the drink’ metered model, but is it really?
  • Do contracting lead times translate into manufactured leverage for the vendor?
  • What do buyers need to be aware of when considering acquisitions and divestitures?
  • How does an SAP Indirect Access strategy differ between cloud and license agreements?
  • Digital and AI are the new buzz — are there commercial models emerging?
  • Vendors are pushing hybrids as a bridge to full cloud — what licensing perils exist?
  • Do the premiums for “hot skills” consultants offset any cost savings with the cloud?

Get the webinar recording here.

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