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9 Predictions for Generative AI in ERP Implementations

Picture of John Belden

John Belden

Chief of Strategy & Research

Picture of Kylie Chisholm

Kylie Chisholm

Content Marketing Manager


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Welcome to “Sourcing Enterprise AI,” the podcast where we unravel the intricacies of AI sourcing and explore the latest news in Artificial Intelligence and its potential impact on the market.

In this week’s episode, co-hosts John Belden and Kylie Chisholm are discussing the trends we are anticipating in 2024 for Generative AI’s role in ERP implementations. From advising against sole source evaluations to unexpected delays in the implementation process, John gives specific customer recommendations for those navigating an ERP implementation with Generative AI technology.

Episode Discussion

In this conversation, John and Kylie discuss the impacts of deploying Generative AI in ERP implementations and the implications for systems integrators (SIs) and technology enablement. John makes several key points:

  1. Generative AI Deployment Complexity: John argues that deploying Generative AI models is vastly different from traditional ERP deployments. ERP implementations, though complex, are deterministic, whereas deploying Generative AI is akin to deploying a non-deterministic system because of its unpredictable nature.
  2. SI Delivery Model Disruption: The traditional delivery model of systems integrators (SIs), which involves deploying teams of developers for a predetermined period, will face significant challenges in adapting to Generative AI deployment. SIs will need to evolve their processes, teams, and pricing models to accommodate the different skill sets and methodologies required.
  3. Technology Enablement: John predicts a surge in technology investment, particularly in AI Ops, to support the deployment of Generative AI. This investment will be crucial for developing the tools and technologies necessary to manage and maintain Generative AI models effectively.
  4. Implementation Methods: Kylie emphasizes the importance of investing in people and skill development to prepare for this transformative shift. Both John and Kylie stress that organizations must focus on training and upskilling their workforce to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by generative AI.

Overall, the conversation underscores the profound impact of Generative AI on existing business models, processes, and skill requirements, highlighting the need for strategic adaptation to leverage its potential fully.

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