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Integrated Sourcing
Strategy Services

De-Risk Your Program and Drive Transformation Success
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Navigating the Inevitable Journey to SAP RISE

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We Help You Navigate the Journey to SAP S/4HANA

Our sourcing and negotiation experts have extensive experience advising
clients on SAP-related sourcing initiatives

>1,000 Engagements

$55B+ of Project Spend

32X Average ROI

A Modern Approach in an Everchanging Market

Vendor go-to-market strategies and new support models such as RISE have created a need for companies to radically shift the way they approach vendor evaluations and negotiations.

To avoid long-term operational issues, forward-thinking IT leaders are taking a holistic and integrated approach to sourcing, evaluating, and negotiating SAP Software, Infrastructure-as-a-Service, System Implementation and Managed Services relationships.

Key Decisions for Your S/4HANA Journey

Learn how our proprietary Integrated Sourcing Strategy enables effective decision making across 5 key workstreams.

"UpperEdge provided tremendous insights into the constantly changing IT landscape. They know the services, the players, and pitfalls. With their support, we knew where to look, what to ask our suppliers for, and how to position it."

—CIO Fortune 100 Manufacturer

Integrated approach drives long-term predictability and flexibility in SAP ecosystem

Market benchmarks and proven negotiation strategies reduces SI fees by $21.5M and provides the highest degree of vendor accountability.

Book an Integrated Sourcing Strategy Session

For a limited time, we are offering free Integrated Sourcing strategy sessions with our advisors.

Are you preparing to move to S/4HANA? Let’s discuss how you can use an Integrated Sourcing Strategy to drive a successful transformation.