Israel Chemical Limited (ICL) is an Israel-based chemical company with global operations.
The company grew leaps and bounds through acquisitions and embarked on an ambitious program to deploy a common SAP-based operating template across its three operating units. The results were disastrous.
The initial program definition indicated a project cost of approximately $120M USD, but ultimately the expected costs of the program ballooned to $500M and the program was stopped before any major implementation began. What followed was a write-off of $290M in project costs, the resignation of the CEO, and a freshly minted lawsuit against IBM filed in an Israeli district court.
This white paper provides:
- A deeper overview of the company
- A chronology of events that took place
- The key decisions that were made throughout the project
- The downstream implications of each of these key decisions
- ICL’s claims and IBM’s defenses from court filings
- UpperEdge’s key takeaways and lessons for clients
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